6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/30/2018
Viewed: DVD
Note: I haven't seen this movie in a while. One of the best silent horror movies next to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, Phantom of the Opera, L'inferno, A Page of Madness, The Phantom Carriage, and Faust if you ask me. Not my #1 favorite Silent Horror movie, but it is pretty high on the list.
This movie is full of great creepy imagery and amazing set pieces that helps makes this movie feel like a true piece of art. I also love the story on how tells us the history of witchcraft and demons while giving us characters that we care about in the story. The movie really does truly captures the essence of humanity and demons. Highly recommended!
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 voted for a review of Creepshow
“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since it was directed by George A. Romero and since it has a decent reputation, I was quite ”
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/29/2018
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: I have a lot of nostalgia of seeing this movie as a kid back in the 90s. I still enjoy this movie even though it is not a great movie. I do find this movie to be a fun B movie from start to finish. The movie even has a fun cast of characters in my opinion.
The CHUDs themselves are very cool looking and the movie has some pretty good special effects. I also love the dark and dirty feeling of the grubby areas of New York City that you have this in this movie. Overall, this movie is a lot of fun to watch. Give it a watch when you get the chance.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 commented on a list
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/28/2018
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: One of my favorite ghost and haunted house movies since I was a kid. People these days love Insidious, The Conjuring and Paranormal Activity, but this movie is one of my favorite ghost film next to the original House on Haunted Hill and Poltergeist.
I love the story, characters, and the cinematography in this movie. The movie being shot in black and white really help this movie feel more chilling. The camera angles and reflections in this movie are great and are ahead of its time. The movie does make it feel like that you are being haunted by other ghost in the movie. I highly recommanded this movie!
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 3 items to their collection
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/27/2018
Viewed: DVD
Note: I haven't seen this infamous anime in a while now. I personally, love this anime because how dark, gritty, sleazy and over the top this anime is. This anime is not perfect by all means, but I do think the anime has a good cast of characters that are fun and memorable. I love the Lovecraft cosmic/apocalyptic horror atmosphere that this anime has. I also do enjoy the exploitive violence and sex scenes because it feels like a suitable grind-house movie.
I would recommended to check out the Uncut Japanese version because it adds more to the story that the English version cuts out. While not for everyone, I do think horror anime fans and horror movie fans should enjoy this title.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 9 items to their collection
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/26/2018
Viewed: Streaming (Netflix)
First Viewing
Note: I never bother with this movie for the last few years, but I decided to watch it at a Halloween party tonight with my friends. I was surprised that this movie was pretty decent. I didn't love it or hate it, but I thought it was pretty decent.
I would say that this movie's biggest issue would be that it did had a slow start (I thought the last half an hour is better than the first hour) and the movie does nothing new that we haven't seen before. However, I can't help to enjoy this movie. Overall, I had fun watching this movie and give it a try when you get the chance.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/25/2018
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: I still think this movie holds up very well and I consider it to be better than the original movie in my opinion. It's not Scorsese's best movie, but still a great movie.
Robert De Niro as Max Cady is fantastic and his role is still pretty creepy. He does a great job on playing a villain that is disturbing and creepy. I also love how Scorcese is able to make the movie feel scary and suspenseful by using almost only close up shots giving that feeling of claustrophobia.
While I do like the original Cape Fear movie a lot, I prefer this version over the original for having better acting, writing and direction in my opinion. I highly recommended this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/23/2018
Viewed: Streaming (Netflix)
First Viewing
Note: I have seen this movie pop up on my Netflix feed before and didn't know anything about it. I found out that it was made by the guy who did Green Room and decided to give it a watch. While it's not a bad movie, I didn't like this movie as much as most people did to be honest. I felt like the first half of the movie was kinda boring and didn't kick off until the last act of the movie.
Some of the humor is pretty funny and I do like the chainsaw scene at the movie, but everything else about this movie was pretty meh. I feel like the characters don't have much to do for almost nearly an hour into the movie other than doing drugs and talking about each other. Overall, I found it to be a pretty funny movie that could have been better. Not a bad way to start off Jeremy Saulnier's career.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/23/2018
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: I haven't seen this movie since I was 16 and I still love it. Easily in my top 30 favorite movies of all time. While the story is rather simple, the visuals, music, and atmosphere are fanastic. I love how this movie sucks you in as soon as the movie starts. Everything is so dark, sick and beautiful that I love every bit of those movies. I also love all the characters and the mythology of Witches that this movie created. I do agree that the ending is a bit lackluster, but I still love this movie. Highly recommended!
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/22/2018
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: I haven't seen this movie in over 10 years and decided to rewatch the movie on Blu-Ray. The first major horror movie with gore and possible the first example of extreme cinema. The gore is dated, but it does look good for its time. Imagine seeing this movie back in 1963 and seeing this level of violence for the first time ever.
My biggest issue with the movie is that the movie can be pretty boring when people are not being killed and Connie Mason's character is the only one that I like the most next to Mal Arnold as the main bad guy. Overall, Blood Feast is still pretty enjoyable. The movie is worth checking out for the historical factor.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/21/2018
Viewed: Streaming (Amazon Prime)
Note: I saw this movie on TNT back in the day and I haven't seen it in ages. 20+ years later, I still like this movie. I do think the movie does have problems with the story and acting, but the movie is still enjoyable nevertheless. I do love the atmosphere in this movie because it really feels like the movie takes place on Halloween night. The cinematography is also great because I love how everything looks in the movie. The lighting and the use of darkness are fantastic in my opinion.
Despite the flaws that this movie has, I still think this movie still holds up well. Check it out if you get the chance.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/20/2018
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: One of my favorite Mario Bava movies for how violent and brutal it is. The movie can be a bit confusing at times, but the death scenes are so much fun to watch. Unlike most slasher movies, I do care about the characters and what happens to them. I also think the movie is beautifully shot and every scene is colorful to look at. I recommended this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to 31 Days of Horror (Halloween) 2018 list
Date: 10/19/2018
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: This movie keeps on better and better with viewing. The story, characters and the social commentary are top notch. This movie may look cheesy when it's not. One of the movie's theme is the more things change, the more they stay the same. This movie is timeless. Highly recommended!
6 years, 2 months ago
AVPGuyver21 voted for list
Movies I Don't Like That Everybody Else Does (10 movies items)
6 years, 2 months ago