AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I watched in Febuary 2019 list
Date: 2/6/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
Note: Another movie that I have not seen since I was a little kid in the 90s. Not a great movie, but still a lot of fun to watch. The plot may be unoriginal and the dialogue is pretty corny at times. However, the action is top notch and the special effects are pretty good. I also do think the story has some cool ideas that need better execution.
The movie is worth checking out if you enjoy testosterone-fueled action movies.
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I watched in Febuary 2019 list
Date: 2/5/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
Note: I haven't seen this movie since 2007 and I feel like this movie gets better with each viewing. I love how the whole movie plays out from start to finish. The movie has you on the edge of your seat on what will happen next. It's also fun to re-watch this movie and look for clues in the background in the movie. Highly recommended this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched in 2019: January (25 movies items)
"Good list and I agree with most of your choices. I'm not a fan of Wes Anderson neither because he just comes off as another snoby art house director, but I still want to check out Isle of Dogs."
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 voted for list
Movies the giraffe watched in 2019: January (25 movies items)
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I watched in Febuary 2019 list
Date: 2/3/2019
Viewed: Netflix
First viewing
Note: The first Boondock Saints is a movie that I have grown to like over the years. I remember the hype for this movie back in 2009, but I avoid it after hearing it was not very good. Since it's on Netflix, I'm like "What the hell not?!".
I can see why people didn't like this movie because this movie feels like a rehash of the first movie. This movie didn't do anything new or original than the first movie did. Not to mention, some of the humor was very unfunny at times. I do think the action sequences are enjoyable though. Avoid this sequel and watch something else instead.
5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Favorite Movies of 2018 list
Note: I normally don't plan to watch remakes of movies that I love. However I hear nothing, but good things about this remake. The movie has really good world building with the Three Mothers mythology and handles the characters very well. For a movie that is over 2 hours, the movie didn't drag at all. I was worry that the movie would be pretentious to sit through and it wasn't.
The last half of the movie is totally worth the 2 hours + wait time. I also like that the movie is set in the 1970s, not in this decade because the story would not work at all in this day of age. I still enjoy the original version over the remake because I do think the original movie had a better artistic vision.
The original movie has a dark, colorful and surreal feeling going for it along with a great musical score. The remake does not have that dark, beautiful, and vividly colored abstract horror artistic design that the original had. I still enjoy the movie nevertheless.
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I watched in Febuary 2019 list
Date: 2/1/2019
Viewed: Streaming (Amazon Rental)
First viewing
Note: I normally don't plan to watch remakes of movies that I love. However I hear nothing, but good things about this remake. The movie has really good world building with the Three Mothers mythology and handles the characters very well. For a movie that is over 2 hours, the movie didn't drag at all. I was worry that the movie would be pretentious to sit through and it wasn't.
The last half of the movie is totally worth the 2 hours + wait time. I also like that the movie is set in the 1970s, not in this decade because the story would not work at all in this day of age. I still enjoy the original version over the remake because I do think the original movie had a better artistic vision.
The original movie has a dark, colorful and surreal feeling going for it along with a great musical score. The remake does not have that dark, beautiful, and vividly colored abstract horror artistic design that the original had. I still enjoy the movie nevertheless. I recommended it.
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 commented on a list
Failed movie franchises (50 movies items)
"I still update my list from time to time. I didn't know that you added Dracula: Untold, and The Mummy 2017 on your list because I did add them a while back."
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 3 items to their collection
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 voted for list
My Top 10 Favorite Zombie Movies (10 movies items)
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I Watched in January 2019 list
Date: 1/31/2019
Viewed: Netflix
I haven't seen this movie in the last 20 years since I was a kid and decided to rewatch it. I still enjoy the movie despite its flaws. The story can be a bit messy at times, but I really do like the characters in this movie. I also like the atmosphere that the movie has as well. Worth checking out if you never seen it before.
I also have no plans on seeing the remake that came out over a year ago.
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I Watched in January 2019 list
Date: 1/30/2019
Viewed: Netflix
I haven't seen this movie in forever and decided to watch it again on Netflix. Probably one of the weakest movies in the Friday the 13th series, but it still has its moments. Jason's design in this movie is really cool and the movie has some cool death scenes (The one guy melting to death was really cool). I think the biggest issue with the movie is that Jason is in another person's body during 98% of the movie and his death could have been handle better.
I still take this movie over the 2009 Friday the 13th remake though. I only recommended this movie to the fans of the series.
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I Watched in January 2019 list
Date: 1/30/2019
Viewed: Streaming (Youtube)
First Viewing
I'm taking a British film class for extra credit and our teacher decided to play this movie as the first movie for the semester. This movie was very well shot and directed for a movie that came out in 1916. It was pretty neat to see real WWI footage that shot during that time period. Everything else about this movie is alright. I give it credit for what it is.
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 3 items to their collection
5 years, 11 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I Watched in January 2019 list
Date: 1/29/2019
Viewed: Netflix
First Viewing
This movie may be the first shitty movie of 2019. This movie looks like it could have been a cool throwback to the old Charles Bronson action movies, and it wasn't. This movie really wants to be the next John Wick and fails terribly.
The story is boring and most of the movie is filled with action movie cliches. This movie is a chore to sit through because I didn't care what was going on in the movie. Also, this movie tries to be super edgy with some of the torture scenes, unnecessary death scenes and the dumb tragic flashback that happens later on this movie.
I'm someone adores mindless violent trash and this movie can't even do THAT right. Just avoid this movie and watch something else instead like John Wick, the old Death Wish movies or The Night Comes for Us.
5 years, 11 months ago