"Thanks for the votes everyone."

"I found some other classics he didn't like. Godzilla (1954): http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040702/REVIEWS/407020315/1023 The Thing (1982): http://rogerebert.suntimes.co"

"Awesome list. I grew up with these shows as well. Loved being a 90's kid."

"Sword and the Sorcerer won't be added since it seem like a sequel was made called "Tales of An Ancient Empire"."

"I agree with these choices. World War Z looks very lame. It looks like if Resident Evil and 2012 had a bad baby."

"Since it's 2013 now, some movies taken place in 2012 should be added such as: I Am Legend (2007) - Takes place from 2009 - 2012 Death Race (2008) - Takes place in 2012 2012 (2009) 2012: Ice Age ("

"I will look into them. Sorry for the late reply, I just got back home from out of town."

"Wing Commender is already on the list and Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins is on the Failed movie franchises part 1 list. I might add Sky Captain, but I don't remember if they wanted it to become a"

"I agree with you on the second Silent Hill movie. I hated it so much and I never care for the Silent Hill franchise."

"Recommendations: Godzilla (Gojira) (1954) - The original Godzilla is much better then the 1998 shitty remake. The movie has a great anti-nuclear war message and shows the widespread devastation that"

"I found some more suggestions: Project Moonbase (1953) - Takes place in 1970 It! The Terror from Beyond Space (1958) - Takes place in 1973 Alien Nation (1988) - Takes place in 1991 Conquest of th"

"Awesome list. I did my own Razzie list for 2013 a while back. http://www.listal.com/list/my-2013-razzie-predictions"

"Nope, I had the Gameboy instead. Thanks for the votes everyone :D!"

"I did mine: http://www.listal.com/list/my-gaming-firsts-avpguyver"

"I don't think you will bore people with a long list. I enjoy reading long list as long if they are entertaining ;)."

"Hoodwinked can't be added because it has a sequel. These are movies that they where trying to start a franchise and they failed."

"@Guuurl, Whatchu Got? I didn't know that you are much younger then me. Everyone has nostalgia for different things and I respect that."

"They did do a remake of Freaks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freakshow_%28film%29"

"Thanks for the votes everyone :)!"

"Oh thanks for the mistake. I thought it came out in 1991."

"I guess this list shows how long this site has been around then?"

"Awesome list. You inspire me to do mine: http://www.listal.com/list/game-consoles-own-through-years"