AVPGuyver21 added 6 items to their collection
4 years, 5 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 1 item to Movies I watched in July 2020 list
Date: 7/21/2020
Viewed: Shudder
Note: I decided to revisit this movie because I haven't seen in over a decade. I remember when it first came out on VHS back in 2001 and it was a very popular movie. The people on alt.horror (Very old Google groups for people who don't know) were crazy over the film. During the 2000s, I thought the movie was a bit overrated. I always felt like the movie was good, but not great.
After watching it again as an adult, I do like the movie better than I did when I was younger. I still consider Dog Soldiers to be my favorite werewolf movie of the 2000s, but that's just me. I do love the practical effects in the movie because they look awesome. You get really awesome looking gore and the makeup work is excellent. The Werewolf in the movie looks fantastic and I love the effort that went into the movie. When the Werewolf is on screen, he looks like an actual creature and not someone in make up or a guy in a suit. I also thought the acting was really good too.
The story is pretty solid and I love how they made all the characters feel multi-dimensional. The movie always remind me of Cronenberg's remake of The Fly because both movie deals with the changes of someone becoming a monster. The only thing that I never like about the movie is the ending. I always felt like the climax was a let down in my opinion. Overall, Ginger Snaps is a solid horror movie and it is worth checking out.
4 years, 5 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 4 items to their collection
4 years, 5 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 3 items to their collection
4 years, 6 months ago
AVPGuyver21 added 9 items to their collection
4 years, 6 months ago
4 years, 6 months ago
AVPGuyver21 commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched in 2020: June (28 movies items)
"Great list. Glad that you enjoy I Lost My Body and Come to Daddy."
4 years, 6 months ago
AVPGuyver21 voted for list
Movies the giraffe watched in 2020: June (28 movies items)
4 years, 6 months ago